Education & Trainings


Institution Technical University Zvolen, The Faculty of Forestry
Specialization: Applied Ecology
Date 1991-1997
Degree Engineer


  • Oracle8 DBA, Bratislava – 1999
  • Oracle WebDb, Bratislava – 1999
  • Informix SQL 4GL, Banská Bystrica – October 2000
  • Java Swing, Banská Bystrica – November 2000
  • Case (O-O technology) , Banská Bystrica – February 2001
  • Informix DB Administration, Bratislava – Juny 2002
  • Developing J2EE[tm] Compliant Java[tm] Applications, Maidenhead, UNITED KINGDOM – October 2005


further interests beekeeping, birdwatching, nature, reading;
see my personal blog (slovak) –


languages native language is slovak, fluent czech(C1), upper-intermediate/fluent english (B2/C1),
intermediate german (B1), basic knowledge in russian (A2)
previous responsibilities Java software development Backend (Java SE, EE, Spring, Spring Boot, JavaScript), WS (SOAP & Rest), Frontend (Swing, little JavaFX, Wicket, JSP, PrimeFaces, JavaScript), consulting, complex user support, analysis, design, implementation, testing, documentation, deployment, data import.
programming languages more than twenty years of experience with Java, SQL, PlSql, XML, Json, Html/Css, JavaScript.
Basics in Python, PHP, Batch and Shell scripting, Ant
operating systems Windows 95 – 10, UNIX (Solaris), Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu)
development tools/ IDE/ Lifecycle Eclipse (previously IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans too);
Maven (previously Ant too); Git, SVN; Jenkins, SonarQube, Jira
databases I worked intensively with Oracle and MS SQL. Also i was in touch with Informix, MySQL, PostgreSQL.
Java frameworks/libraries/ tools Java SE, JEE / Spring; Hibernate, Apache ActiveMQ, Swing, JMS, JNDI, DOM, SAX, Apache POI, Commons, JUnit, JMock, Tomcat, JBoss, IBM WebSphere, Oracle AS,  many more
remote maintenance UltraVNC, DirectVNC, TeamViewer, WinSCP, RemoteDesktop, PuTTY.
virtualisation and container VMWare Workstation (for testing Linux client installations)
others tools Total Commander, TortoiseSVN, JasperReports, WebService Studio, Atvise Builder, Liquibase, PSPad, Gimp, and many more as needed.


when not available
where For projects with part or full time home office – in and around Zvolen – Banská Bystrica / Slovakia.
For full time home office – worldwide.
what java development as freelancer, complex project support
payment hourly rate on demand

Personal Information

age 51, born 1973
nationality Slovak
residence Očová, Zvolen region, Slovakia, Europe
civil status married
contact email: frantisek[at]rudik[dot]eu
more details
company identification number 52910601
tax number 1046871441
VAT SK1046871441

Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae

František Rudík

I have more than twenty years of experience as a Java developer, I have led and collaborated on projects in a range of industries such as the government, mobile phone telephony, energy supply, healthcare, aviation, wood processing, and of course information technology. This website provides detailed information about my past work and technical qualifications, however do not hesitate to contact me should further details be required. I am looking forward to working with you on the successful delivery of your project!

As a fast learner and an open minded person, I am used to applying my skill to new systems,  frameworks and environments. My main area of expertise is the back-end development of Java EE, Spring-based server components, front-end development (both rich client such as Swing but also thin web clients within multiple frameworks), integration/WS.. That said, I’m always looking for new challenges and opportunities to expand my skills base.

I am a home-based worker and live in Zvolen in central Slovakia (Europe), I am happy to commute reasonable distance should face-to-face meetings be required. I am also willing to undertake world-wide work on projects where full-time away work pattern is available after an introductory residential training.

Curriculum vitae Curriculum vitae

Contact me via email at frantisek[at]rudik[dot]eu or LinkedIn.